One of the most important parts of live streaming is understanding the platform you are streaming to. However, if you have been streaming to YouTube recently you know their live creator studio has been seeing changes on an almost daily basis.

This can make troubleshooting difficult, if elements of your stream setup like your stream key have been changed, or just the navigation of your CDN.

Streamgeeks' and PTZOptics' Paul Richards recently created a great article on LinkedIn, detailing the best ways to trouble shoot your YouTube Stream- an important task for anybody creating a constant live streamed show.  

The article breaks down some common errors in using YouTube Live to help you trouble shoot faster!  These errors included:

  • Stream Key Errors
  • Removing your Pre-Show on your recording 
  • Copyright Violations
  • Latency Issues

Stream Key Errors:

One common error when you are streaming, is many streamers will attempt to use the wrong stream key.  You must always check that the stream key you are using is consistent with the stream key seen in YouTube's Live Creator Studio.  

It is also important to do a test stream before you do your real show, to make sure all of your productions steps work.  However, it doesn't hurt to double check that your stream key hasn't changed after you are done with your test.  

Removing your Pre-Show:

One of the most pressing issues that live streaming creators have been dealing with for a long time on YouTube, is temporarily losing the beginning of their stream on the archieved video. 

If you stream more than an hour at a time, YouTube will often trim off part of your video temporarily in the first hours of it being on the platform.  However, this issue is often corrected within a few hours. 

Copyright Violations 

YouTube has a very strict copyright policy.  Use of copyrighted footage or music can result in your stream being removed.  However, occasionally a false claim will be filed, at which point users can dispute the claim with YouTube directly.  The best way to avoid this issue, however, is to use fully original and unlicensed content.  

Check out the full LinkedIn Article HERE to learn more. 

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