A Rundown of Hard Drive Reliability: HGST is Tops Again!
Take a look at the hard drive failure rates of some of the market's most common name brands. Once again HGST drives are the top rated in the industry for hard drive reliability. G-Technology uses HGST drives in all their external storage solutions, making G-Tech the most reliable and dependable choice for videographers and photographers. The article also offer valuable insight into improvements and performance, too.
Videoguys recommends G-Technology external drives for creative professionals and video production. Check out our post Top 10 G-Tech Storage Solutions for more information on G-Tech's high quality drives, raids, and portable options.
Cloud backup provider Backblaze has published more of its hard drive reliability data, giving a look at the company's experiences with its 56,224 hard disks in 2015.
In 2014, HGST was the standout performer, with all its models showing extremely good reliability. Some Seagate models, on the other hand, showed alarming unreliability and extremely high failure rates.
For 2015, HGST maintained its strong performance. Across all the HGST models that Backblaze used (one 2TB, two 3TB, three 4TB, and one 8TB), failure rates were low across the board. The HGST drives are some of the oldest in Backblaze's collection, with the 2TB units being almost five years old on average. Over the last two and a half years, only 1.55 percent of them have failed.
Seagate showed much stronger performance, too. Two of the models that performed so badly in 2014 are 1.5TB drives. One of those models has since been retired, for a lifetime cumulative failure rate of 23.86 percent. The other model, now averaging about five years old, still has a high failure rate of 10.16 percent. The third problematic Seagate model, a 3TB drive, has also been retired after showing a cumulative failure rate of 28.34 percent.
With these troublesome disks removed, the remaining Seagate disks, both 4TB and 6TB, fared much better...[continue reading]
HGST hard disks still super reliable, Seagates have greatly improved
While the Seagate 1.5TB disks had problems, its new drives look much more reliable. ArtsTechnica blog by Peter Bright
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