Adobe CS4: The Next Tier, Part 2
DCP By Jan Ozer
In the last installment, I covered the top Adobe Creative Suite 4 (CS4) features you probably didn’t hear about for Adobe Encore, Soundbooth, and Media Encoder. Here, I’ll describe the same types of features for Premiere Pro. Just for the record, the most ink-worthy new features in Premiere Pro CS4 include AVCHD support and the extension of Dynamic Link to include the transfer of sequences from Premiere Pro to Encore and the new standalone Media Encoder. Here are some valuable new features that may not have received the same level of attention in the CS4 news reports.
As I mentioned in the first segment, I recognize that there are many different editing styles and project types; while I've tried to be general, the features that I mention are necessarily idiosyncratic to my editing style and the type of work that I do. I apologize in advance if I omitted features that you feel are most critical. read more...
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