Adobe Premiere Pro CC Hands-On: Multi-GPU Support and More

Extreme Windows Blog by Gavin Gear

I’ve been using the Adobe CC apps for a while now including a lot of video editing hours in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. In this post I’ll outline some of my favorite updates in Premiere Pro CC that have been useful for me in my daily work.

Enhanced GPU Support

Many creative professionals choose the Windows platform because of the amazing selection of powerful hardware that’s available. One of the most important aspects of a video editing PC is the graphics hardware, and there’s a lot of great graphics options to choose from when you’re running Windows. Premiere Pro has been taking advantage of accelerated graphics support since the CS5 release and Premiere Pro CC takes accelerated video editing to the next level.

Premiere Pro CC GPU support updates include:

  • A wider selection of supported GPUs including many AMD GPUs
  • Multi-GPU support
  • Ability to enable non-certified GPUs from Premiere Pro CC UI

Running Adobe certified GPU hardware on Windows is the best option if you want to have the most stable configuration possible. For Premiere Pro CC, the certified GPU list for Windows (see Adobe Premiere Pro CC Tech Specs) has grown to over 100 different GPU models! This means you can choose from any graphics hardware represented in this list and know that it has been thoroughly tested by Adobe. If you are running GPU hardware that’s not on the certified list you can still easily enable it (in most cases) in the projects settings dialog. If you do so, you’ll receive a warning that you may encounter issues. I’ve run several “unsupported” configurations with various versions of Adobe Premiere Pro in the past and have yet to encounter any serious stability issues on Windows. If you have questions about how well your GPU will work with Premiere Pro CC, you can always download the Premiere Pro CC trial version and install it on your PC so that you can be sure of how it will perform. read more...

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