Adobe VP says Creative Cloud is 'a big bet', but allows for better tools in the future
Digital Arts UK by Neil Bennett
Adobe’s move from Creative Suite to Creative Cloud offers a chance to overhaul its software in new and exciting ways, says VP Mala Sharma in an interview at Adobe’s Creative Days event in London – but it could leave the company damaged if customers aren’t won over.
Sharma, who is VP of professional business in Adobe’s digital media business unit, also gave a clear sense of direction about what the company has planned for future software releases – which includes many more brand-new applications.
Her comments about Adobe’s vulnerability came in response to being asked about user’s fears that, while Creative Cloud is affordable now, the company could use its market-dominant position to push up prices substantially in the future – with users ‘locked into’ their core tools on the platform.
“My only rational response to that is that we can't [push up prices],” says Sharma. “It's in our best interests to win our customers' trust – as every month they're going to be choosing whether they want to stay engaged with us or not. We have never been more vulnerable, in my opinion, than in [moving to a subscription model]. It's a really big bet.
As you’d expect, to achieve success Adobe wants creatives to be excited by the Creative Cloud rather than nervous – and from a creative and technological perspective (rather than a business one), Adobe is trying to use the Cloud to do some truly innovative things. read more...
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