Advanced Final Cut Pro Techniques: ProRes 422
DMN Tutorial: By Heath McKnight
With the release of Final Cut Studio 2 and Final Cut Pro 6 (FCP), Apple introduced ProRes 422, a new codec that gives high definition (HD) quality at standard definition file size. You can also convert your HD, HDV, DV, etc., footage within FCP to ProRes 422, which I have done, to gain the codec’s benefits. Apple’s ProRes 422 codec is a 10-bit HD/SD compressed format that has been proven to be just as high of quality as the original footage, and in some cases it is better. According to Apple, it also provides 4:2:2 chroma sampling, full-frame resolution (HDV’s 1440 x 1080 will be set at 1920 x 1080), variable bit-rate and more. Read More

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