BirdDog is "killing it" in NDI!

Birddog, makers of NDI-ready encoders, are one of the great makers out there helping to transform NDI production workflow. Here's an article about Birddog and IP production innovation. From MediaLooks blog

BirdDog has built a business around NDI®

I recently spoke to Dan Miall, CEO of an exciting company called BirdDog. Founded in 2016 and based in Melbourne, Australia, BirdDog is currently less than 2 years old, but has already won the Best of NAB 2018 award from Streaming Media.

The BirdDog story

Dan had made a career in post-production having worked in sales positions at Avid for about 8 years. He later used this expertise to build a distribution business for content creation products in Australia, New Zealand and South-East Asia. When NDI came along, Dan figured it was an opportunity he and his team were willing to bet on and started a company whose primary mission was to make video production simpler by bringing NDI as close to the camera lens as possible:

Here at BirdDog, we set out to allow productions to harness the inherent power and flexibility that IP workflows, and NDI in particular can add. By producing innovative hardware and software that not only replace but enhance traditional approaches, BirdDog technology enables next-generation video productions of all sizes, complexity and budgets.

Dan doesn’t disclose exact numbers (I wouldn’t also in his place), but I could tell from our discussion that things are more than just picking up—BirdDog is killing it in several growing areas of video production and is really taking advantage of the growing adoption of NewTek’s NDI tech. The key areas where Dan sees his products being used are college sports, corporate video production and e-sports. He believes that all of these areas are just in the beginning of their adoption curves, which is in line with what we feel here at Medialooks with our NDI-enabled video more

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