BirdDog... What's New? Videoguys News Day 2sDay (11/26/19)
Gary was joined by Dan Mial from BirdDog! he joined us all the way from Australia on Monday (11/25/19) for a 4:00pm ET webinar.
BirdDog has an assortment of FULL NDI PTZ Cameras! They are split into two categories. Both use a Sony Sensor to get the best image possible.
- Studio (P)
- Outdoor (A)
The P100 and the P200 are full NDI PTZ Cameras. They come in both black and white.
See the Videoguys P200 Product Spotlight here!
BirdDog's also has the A100 out right now. This camera has a windshield wiper to help clear debris and water from the lens. This camera is built to last.
However... brand new is the A300 with its CMOS backlit sensor and full image module.
Cloud & Comms

NDI is something BirdDog excels at. Controlling NDI signals have never been easier than with their Comms Application. This takes all the NDI signal and esily group them together for communications.
Yet Gary and Dan really dive into the BirdDog Cloud! The Cloud is a NDI remot delivery and management software. Now all that is necessary is an internet connection to have access to instant access to those on a secure line. So bringing in a guest remotely just got a whole lot easier.
Converters can be important for an NDI Production. Luckily BirdDog is on the case with their Studio and Mini Encoders. Thus it is possible to take either an HDMI or SDI camera and convert it to FULL NDI!
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