Boris FX Continuum Complete 8 AE Post-Production Software Review

Videomaker by

For those in need of a broad toolset that provides a nearly complete set of effects and filters, take a good look at Boris Continuum Complete 8. With more than 200 effects, you'll surely find yourself with no shortage of ways to raise the production value of your projects.

If you've been around post-production for any length of time, you will have noticed certain video plug-in manufacturers have not only survived but flourished in the competitive world of third-party providers. Boris FX has not been one to sit on its laurels. With its long history of creating plug-ins for all major video software companies, you would expect a level of maturity and broad capability in its products. Continuum Complete 8 from Boris FX is no exception. Boris Continuum is a broad set of video effects and filters for various video editing applications, providing the user with tools for image manipulation, effect generation, and keying.

Building on their strengths in areas such as 3D tools, particle emitters, and transition tools, Continuum Complete 8 offers more capabilities to add production value to your project. This filter set is available as a plug-in for many software products by Adobe, Apple, Avid and the like. This review covers the Adobe After Effects version but most if not all the new filters are present for all platforms.

In addition to the effects and filters included in this broad and capable package throughout the years, Boris FX has included new tools that put even more capabilities at your fingertips. Let's go through a few of them.


In many ways, the digital editing revolution has lead to a major shift in tools to ensure quality throughout the video post-production process. One tool that seems to have been left by the side of the road is the vectorscope/waveform monitor. Boris FX has picked up on this and included the ability to see your composition's color and brightness levels. Not only does this give you confirmation if your overall image or a particular layer is over-exposed or not, but you can use this tool to ensure that your image is utilizing the full range of exposure values available, which gives you optimum contrast. With the built-in logger, any off-color frame can be easily found. read more...

Check out these items featured in this post and available now at
Boris Continuum Complete 8 AE for Mac $895.00 Boris Continuum Complete 8 AE for PC $895.00 Boris FX Motion Graphics Pack for Adobe Products $995.00

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