CINEFORM'S ASPECT HD V3.0 EXTENDS HIGH DEFINITION EDITING FEATURES AND PERFORMANCE OF ADOBE PREMIERE PRO HDV PLUG-IN Collaborative Development Effort Between Adobe and CineForm Ensures Best HD Workflow Experience for Customers CARLSBAD, CA, March 1, 2005 – CineForm, Inc. today is announcing that version 3.0 of its award-winning Aspect HD software, which supports the recently-announced Adobe Premiere Pro HDV plug-in, will be shipping next week. Adobe previously licensed portions of CineForm Intermediate software technologies that integrate HDV-resolution editing support within Adobe Premiere Pro for users of the expanding class of HDV camcorders. Once installed with the Adobe Premiere Pro HDV plug-in, Aspect HD v3.0 triples the timeline editing performance of Adobe Premiere Pro - with no rendering - offering up to 4 simultaneous 1440x1080i streams on a modern Windows desktop PC, plus adds numerous features to improve user workflow efficiency.
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