Compressors' New Interface
By Ken Stone
Compressor 3 in Final Cut Studio 2 When Apple recently rolled out Final Cut Studio 2, we discovered that Compressors' interface had received a major overhaul. For those of us who have been using Compressor over the years, the new interface came as a bit of a surprise and, while Compressor is still the same application, the new interface does do things a little differently. From FCP (FCE) To Compressor There are several ways to move your finished project from FCP to Compressor. The first method involves exporting directly from FCP to Compressor. Set In and Out Points on the timeline or select the Sequence in the Browser, then from the File menu > Export > Using Compressor. While this process might yield slightly better export quality than other methods, because FCP hands off the video to Compressor in a unrendered state and Compressor renders the video and encodes in one shot, as opposed to first rendering the video in FCP and then exporting to Compressor and encoding there. Not everyone uses this process because, during the export, FCP is locked up and not available to the user until the export is completed. It also seems that exporting using this process takes much longer than other methods. read more...

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