Creative Cow looks at Avid Liquid 7
Mark Harvey, longtime leader in Creative Cow and a noted broadcast designer/editor, gives readers a look at the new Avid Liquid 7 -- acquired when Avid bought Pinnacle Systems and given many new features in this latest version now rolling out under the Avid name. Mark gives this system much praise for its powerful background rendering and wide feature set, as well as many new features like its HDV capabilities rolling out for the first time in v7. So, it’s finally November 22nd, release day for Avid’s newest NLE to hit the shelves, Avid Liquid 7. While it’s new for Avid, it’s the latest version of a product that’s been very popular for a long time – most recently with Pinnacle, and before that FAST. But with new features like native HDV, thousands of realtime effects and its powerful background rendering, this is a powerful editing application that is sure to turn heads in this market. But what really makes Liquid different is that everything you need -- editing, surround audio, effects, music creation, DVD -- is in one application. Not a suite of five or six programs -- one application. I have tried to cram as much into this review as I could. Sure there must be features that I am forgetting, but there are so many features, can you blame me??? Run, don’t walk to pick up this software, it is truly a quality product. I give Avid Liquid 7 the highest 5 Cow more...
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