CS3 Production Premium for Motion Graphics and Interactive Enthusiasts, Part 1
Not on the front lines of video production? No worries; there's plenty here for you I was somewhat skeptical about what the forthcoming Adobe CS3 Production Premium bundle would offer outside of Flash and After Effects; after all, I have precisely zero skills when it comes to the "front end" of production (shooting, capture, editing, etc.). My interests lie squarely down the line (motion graphics, interactivity, Web distribution), so my initial thought was that the entire bundle might be of limited total value to someone like me. However, after seeing and using a pre-release version of the suite for myself, it turns out that there are a lot of hidden gems in surprising places. Now, with my interests/allegiances clearly stated in the intro, suffice it to say that if you're looking for hot-and-heavy breakdowns of what the situation is with programs like Premiere, OnLocation, and Ultra, it's highly likely you'll be disappointed. What these pieces are intended to be is a roundup of some interesting tidbits that might not be obvious from Adobe's press materials, as well as general items of note for folks like me who skew towards motion graphics< and interactivity. We're also going to do a bit of the ol' "getting to know you" for the Mac faithful, who have heretofore never seen Encore or Premiere Pro on their chosen platform (and will, sadly, need to wait a bit longer for OnLocation and Ultra, which both remain Windows-onlyâ€â€though "Boot Camp-able"â€â€for this release). So, with that preface/caveat/warning firmly in place, let's get to the goods. Read More...
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