Regal Con is a fan convention for ABS televisions "once Upon A Time" series. The convention's producers used Datavideo gear to produce the event. They utilized four PTC-150 pan/tilt/zoom remote caeras, their 4 input SE700 HD switcher, TC-200 Title creator, HRS-30 HD recorder and NVS-25 live streaming and H.264 recorder.
Two concerts. Four Q&A’s. Four parties. Seven panels. Eleven guests. Hundreds of attendees. 2 weeks ago, this was Regal Con 2015.
Regal Con 2015 was a convention geared towards ABC’s hit television series “Once Upon A Time.” This event, small compared to Comic Con and Wonder Con, presented a unique opportunity for die-hard fans to connect with actors on their favorite show in a more intimate setting. Fans across the world who could not attend were able to tune in to most of the content via a live stream on Youtube. read more...
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