Desktop Scoring for Video
Studio Monthly by David Leathers Whether your next project needs a simple melodic hook or a richly textured symphonic experience, the latest desktop scoring software will help you lay down the perfect tracks. The number of software and hardware choices for adding original music to video and film has increased exponentially over the past few years. At the high end, where budgets for original scoring are serious, the latest versions of the longest standing Digital Audio Workstations and the introduction of ever more sophisticated virtual instruments have extended composers’ creative and sonic possibilities with near total control over a vast terrain of resources. At the other end, where many projects are completed with little or no budget for music at all, there are relatively inexpensive programs that use sophisticated internal logic to generate complete original fit-to-fill performances based on choices made by the operator, editor or composer. If you’re eager to add more polish to your productions, you’ll want to consider the range of tools and deep feature sets available for those of us on tighter budgets. read more...
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