Post by Heath Firestone I've been looking forward to being able to deliver my high definition projects in a high definition format since I bought my first HDCAM camera almost five years ago. Being an early adopter, it's been a series of challenges, just to work in high definition. I finally realized my dream of authoring to a consumer HD format a couple of months ago. Although HD DVDs and Blu-Ray discs began showing up in stores with their own sections last fall, there hadn't really been a way for independent studios to author and burn their own Blu-Ray discs (in fact, at the time of this writing, there still isn't an HD DVD burner on the market). In order to author to Blu-Ray discs, we needed both Blu-Ray burners to be available, and DVD authoring programs that support the new format. At this time, there are a couple programs that have implemented at least basic Blu-Ray authoring capabilities, and Blu-Ray burners have been available since mid-2006. WHY BLU-RAY? No matter what anybody tells you about Blu-Ray discs being better than HD DVDs, or vise-versa, the truth is that, from an encoding standpoint, the two are virtually identical. The primary differences between the two are in capacity of the discs and minor variations in audio options and maximum data recording rates. HD DVD players are cheaper to manufacture, but Blu-Ray discs hold more data. I chose to author my first high definition disc to Blu-Ray primarily because of the availability and support for Blu-Ray disc burners. read more...
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