Edit growing files on multiple EDIUS clients, while being ingested into a network shared drive.

EDIUS® SimulCapture™ is optional software from Grass Valley™ specifically designed for EDIUS v6.03 (required) that enables multiple EDIUS clients to edit live video, simultaneously ingested by another EDIUS client, in a network editing environment.

Files can be edited immediately while being ingested, and editors can register clips in the Bin window, as well as edit the clips, without having to wait for other clients to finish editing.

EDIUS SimulCapture doesn’t require installation. With EDIUS v6.03, users just plug in the USB dongle that comes with the SimulCapture option. This allows an EDIUS client to capture and ingest in a format that allows simultaneous editing from other EDIUS clients. There are no additional commands in the capture dialog box. When the USB dongle is plugged in, EDIUS automatically captures in "Simul Edit Mode."

EDIUS SimulCapture Option FAQ

Q: How is the EDIUS SimulCapture option provided?
A: EDIUS SimulCapture is provided on a USB dongle. To use EDIUS SimulCapture, EDIUS v6.03 must be first be installed, and then the USB dongle attached to the system.

Q: How many EDIUS clients can be connected to the network for simultaneous editing ?
A: There are no limits as to the number of EDIUS clients.

Q: What is the difference between EDIUS Ingest and the EDIUS SimulCapture option?
A: • Unlike EDIUS Ingest, EDIUS SimulCapture can be used with the latest hardware from Grass Valley
(STORM™ 3G/STORM 3G Elite)
• EDIUS SimulCapture does not require a separate client for ingest
• EDIUS editing clients can be used to ingest video as well as edit it
• EDIUS Ingest captures only HQ AVI files, but EDIUS SimulCapture can capture MXF files as well
• EDIUS SimulCapture does not have the schedule recording function found in EDIUS Ingest, because it uses the capture
function of EDIUS

Q: Can the EDIUS SimulCapture option be used along with EDIUS Ingest ?
A: No. EDIUS Ingest requires an independent PC.

Q: What is the recommended specification for the Ingest client?
A: An EDIUS turnkey system is the recommended system for the EDIUS SimulCapture client. EDIUS recommended system
requirements can be found on the EDIUS data sheet.

Q: Can the EDIUS SimulCapture option be used in a workflow other than with a K2 SAN?
A: EDIUS SimulCapture has only been tested on K2 SAN workflow environments. Other workflow environments are not officially supported.

Q: What should the user be aware of when setting markers?
A: While markers are being set during the ingest/capture process by an EDIUS editing client, other clients cannot set or delete
those markers.

Click here to download teh Edius SimulCapture pdf

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