Epiphan Pearl-2 Fast-Track Case Study

Dive into the comprehensive journey of how Epiphan Pearl-2 revolutionized the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's roadside safety tests, streamlining collaboration, reducing costs, and paving the way for groundbreaking safety enhancements.

Introduction: Embark on a captivating journey through the transformative impact of Epiphan Pearl-2 on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (MwRSF). Discover how this cutting-edge technology propelled roadside safety testing to new heights, fostering collaboration, efficiency, and innovation.

Setting the Scene: The MwRSF stands as a beacon of excellence in advancing roadside safety, with groundbreaking innovations like the SAFER barrier, a testament to its commitment to making roads safer for all. Central to MwRSF's mission is its meticulous testing process, where every moment is captured using high-speed cameras. However, the challenge of delivering real-time feedback amidst large file sizes presented a significant hurdle.

Epiphan Pearl-2: A Game-Changer: Enter Epiphan Pearl-2, a revolutionary solution that transformed MwRSF's testing landscape. With its live streaming capabilities, Pearl-2 enabled stakeholders worldwide to witness crash tests in near-real-time, fostering immediate feedback and collaboration. This not only accelerated problem-solving but also minimized stakeholder downtime, setting a new standard for efficiency in safety testing.

Streamlined Collaboration: The integration of Pearl-2 facilitated seamless collaboration between stakeholders, transcending geographical barriers. Remote viewers could engage in live discussions and playback sessions, enhancing communication and decision-making. Moreover, Pearl-2's versatility allowed for diverse applications, including live training sessions for engineers and students, unlocking new possibilities for knowledge dissemination.

Cost-Saving Benefits: One of the most significant advantages of Pearl-2 was the substantial cost savings incurred through eliminating the need for in-person attendance at crash tests. This financial efficiency further justified the investment in Epiphan's equipment, aligning seamlessly with MwRSF's budget considerations as a non-profit organization.

Testimonials and Future Outlook: MwRSF Test Site Manager and Research Associate Engineer, Jim Holloway, praised Pearl-2 for its reliability and user-friendliness, highlighting its transformative impact on testing methodologies. Looking ahead, plans to explore 4K workflows, low-latency streaming, and deeper utilization of Pearl's capabilities underscore MwRSF's ongoing commitment to innovation and safety enhancement.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the integration of Epiphan Pearl-2 marked a profound shift in MwRSF's approach to roadside safety testing. By streamlining collaboration, reducing costs, and fostering innovation, UNL's initiative sets a new standard in safety enhancement, reaffirming their dedication to making roads safer for all. The significant cost-saving benefits further reinforce the value and justification for the adoption of Epiphan's equipment, laying the groundwork for continued advancements in road safety.

Read the full blog post from Epiphan HERE

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