Epiphan Pearl Guide Part 3: No Fail Live Streaming
No Fail Live Streaming with Epiphan Pearl
Use Epiphan Pearl when you absolutely need to make sure you capture the moment! Create the ultimate dynamic live switched streaming program with ISOs for post-production. With two independent Pearl systems, you have under control, even in the face of human error. Includes three HD video sources, a live PIP backup and ISO recordings of each source. Use high-quality splitters with locking cables to split your signals (video and audio) so each independent Pearl system gets the full set of audio-visual inputs.System 1: Live switching
- Connect your sources and create your live program channel. (Keep HDMI-B free.) Develop a set of engaging and creative PIP layouts containing your sources, images, and branding content.
- Use a DisplayPort to HDMI cable to loop your program output (channel 1) back into HDMI-B. Create a channel with HDMI-B as its source and configure encoding at a lower bitrate. Configure streaming.
- During the event, use Pearl’s touch screen or Epiphan Live to control live switching and recording for channel 1 and to start and stop streaming the same program data (at lower bitrate) via channel 2.
System 2: ISOs
- Connect your sources and make a channel for each source. Remember to select your desired recording format (MP4, AVI or MOV).
- Create a fourth channel featuring a static PiP layout containing your preferred video sources. Configure your streaming settings for backup purposes.
- When your event begins, start recording for each of the 4 channels.
- If there’s an error during the live switched stream, you’ll always have this backup PiP layout! Just start streaming it in place of channel 2 from the other Pearl system.
- Automatically copy your recorded program to a USB drive and give speakers a copy of their presentation immediately after it finishes!
- Don’t need the backup layout on Pearl 2? Switch it out for a confidence monitoring channel that includes all your sources and display it on a big screen.
Read Epiphan Pearl Guide Part 4: Effortless Observation
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