Final Cut Pro X: Our two editors spill the beans

Macgasm by Joshua Schnell

We have some great talent writing on the website these days. We like to find writers with niche interests so they can help round out our perspective on news and the happenings around the tech world. It’s long been a goal to find someone who edits video on a professional level, so we can provide our readers with legitimate insights into the Final Cut and iMovie world. As it turns out, we have two. Both Eugene and Paul have quite an intimate knowledge of Final Cut, so we thought it would be interesting to hear there thoughts on the new video editing offering, in parallel.

Here’s two articles, wrapped into one. First you’ll hear from Eugene, followed by Paul. It’s pretty interesting to see that they both have very similar concerns and thoughts, but that they both decided to deal with it in very different ways.

Joshua Schnell

Enter the FCPX

Eugene Huo

When Apple demonstrated the next Final Cut Pro at NAB this spring, I was excited, to say the least. Awesome new features, speed, and what I thought was an editing program for the future. But between NAB and June, a funny thing happened. The chorus of “It’s going to be great, it’s going to be great!” wasn’t silenced, but a nagging doubt was planted. “Is it too much like iMovie? What happened to the other apps in the Final Cut Studio, like Color?” The truth was, we didn’t know. read more....

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