Get Started Fast with Avid Media Composer 7: Lesson 5: Delivering Your Finished Project

PVC by Kevin P. McAuliffe

In the fifth and final of our Get Started Fast with Avid Media Composer 7 tutorials, we wrap-up our introductory look at Avid editing. In this lesson, I demonstrate how to move your finished project from Media Composer. Whether you are destined for the web, creating a DVD or Blu-Ray, or outputting to tape, you’ll learn how to get the right export every time. I also explain how to export your sequence for an Avid Pro Tools audio session. If you are sending your timelines to audio post, this lesson is a must see.

Kevin P McAuliffe is an Avid Media Composer editor for over 15 years, and one of the Senior Editors at MIJO in Toronto, Canada. Current clients including Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros. Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures and E1 Entertainment to name a few. He can also be found helping out in the Avid Community Get Started Fast customer forum.

When he asked about what tutorials to do next on Facebook, I requested this one on exporting from the Avid timeline.

In the fourth of our Get Started Fast with Avid Media Composer 7 tutorials, we’re ready to give your projects a professional polish with eye-catching effects. In this lesson, I demonstrate basic transitions, like dissolves and color flashes. Then, we take effects to the next level with the 3D Warp tool. I’ll show you how simple it is to add animation to any effect with basic keyframing. To wrap up the lesson, you’ll learn how integrate elements created in third-party compositing applications with a demonstration of matte keys and alpha channels.

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