Hands-On HD: First-Person Advice
Source: Studio Monthly This installment of "Hands-On HD" marks the latest collection of pro tips and workarounds we’ve gleaned from producers, directors, DPs, editors and audio post specialists working on the frontlines of high-def production and post. A lot has changed since last October, when this special feature first appeared in Studio/monthly. New cameras and wider support for native formats in editing software mean you’ve got many more choices and, hence, more tough decisions to make in the line of duty every day. Budgets and production schedules will make a lot of those decisions for you. But sometimes, as David C. Ballard of LAB 601, Inc. and LAB 601 Digital Post suggests on page 12, the best answers come from asking the right questions before you start your next HD project. Mapping out an approach will save you countless headaches and false starts. The tips on the following pages aren’t just about formats and frame rates, either. Many offer ideas about how to manage the entire process, like training assistants and producers in current workflows and learning to factor in more time for output and layoff. read more...
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