Learn How Avid Subscriptions are Saving Broadcasters Money
Avid is a valuable tool in the broadcasting and post production space. Now their stable of products has given broadcasters and creators the ability to work remotely, lower costs, and operate more efficiently.
Lower Costs
Technology is one of the biggest price tags on broadcasting- however it is absolutely necessary to produce quality content. One of the most difficult topics in a budget meeting is upgrading- if the current iteration works, can't an upgrade wait?
However, with Avid's subscription model, upgrades are built into the price. Meaning, no additional cost on the broadcaster to be working with the latest and greatest.
Flexibility: Technology
Technology also tends to make large changes, quickly. Avid's SaaS model provides faster access to the latest new releases with a quicker activation process.
Compatibility across Organizations
With workflows taking place across multiple organizations and locations, remote workflows are more important for broadcasters than ever before.
A SaaS model can suit this situation because the software can be deployed to any system, as long as the hardware and operating system meet the minimum requirements. There’s no waiting, nor is there any need to acquire specific, proprietary equipment.
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