Liquid 7.1, JVC ProHD & 24P WORKS!!!
Guys, I found this thread started by Stephen L. Noe on dvinfonet:
FYI: Video Demo of Film workflow and Liquid 7.x Hi, Here is the first in a series of "how to" videos with Liquid 7.1. These type of videos are by the seat of my pants so if there are technical errors with the encoding, it is what it is. But you can be sure the information is accurate (as you watch me demo). This first one is how to capture, edit and get your HD-100 24p content prepared to send to the film post house. It is end to end and if anyone is cutting a movie with ProHD, this is for YOU! I'll try to do a video for ProHD to SD broadcast, DVD and HDTV when using Avid Liquid 7.1 as I get time. Click here for streaming WMV best viewed full screen 1280x1024. Click here for QT Mov (sorenson3) For Macs in the house. S.Noe szn89Productions Chicago P.S. PAL and 25P people take heart. Liquid 7.1 works for you end to end. you can follow the thread here on

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