LiveU Solo Case Study: LAPD Serves Its Community With Live Streaming

Read how the Los Angeles Police Department is using the LiveU Solo video encoder to live broadcast their own video and press conferences. Responding to community feedback, they upped their streaming game by employing the LiveU Solo - improving the audio and overall quality of their video coverage. Read on for details: From liveu solo case study....A big selling point for Guzman on the LiveU gear was its ease of use.
“The officers that work in my unit—that’s myself and four officers—we’re not the most techie people in the world,” he said. “We’re not trained professional videographers, per se, we’re police officers. So we needed something that was simple to use. [The LiveU Solo was] something I was able to train officers in my unit literally like in five minutes how to use the equipment and they were up and running.”
And that’s just what the LAPD has been doing since receiving the new equipment in October of 2017. Guzman and his department are averaging two live streams a week of pre-planned or spontaneous press conferences, as well as other events, to its 130,000 followers on Facebook Live and 93,000 followers on Twitter. The new live streaming capabilities were able to provide critical evacuation, road closures and additional information during the brush fires that impacted Southern California last fall. They also have been used to live stream recruit graduations from the LAPD Academy so that families of graduating recruits not in the area can celebrate in the achievement....[continue reading]

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