Start Your Soundtrack Right From Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 or CS5.0
When you install SmartSound’s plug-in for Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 / 5.0 you can quickly access a soundtrack that is customized to your needs.
Find and Customize Your Soundtrack
Use SmartSound Sonicfire Pro’s powerful Express Track search tool to find the perfect soundtrack from our collection of 1000’s of high-quality royalty free music tracks.
Once you find the perfect music for your soundtrack, use the customization features to select the music length, variation (arrangement) and mood (instrument mix).
Send The Soundtrack to Your Project
Once you’ve got the music personalized for your project, just click the “Send” button and a high-quality version of the song will appear in your Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 / 5.0 project. Drag the new music to your timeline and listen to all the time you saved with Sonicfire Pro and the plug-in for your Adobe product.
Fine-Tune Your Soundtrack FAST with Smart Recall
Enjoy the best Roundtrip Workflow for your soundtracks with Sonicfire Pro’s unique built-in Smart Recall feature. Simply double-click your SmartSound music file from your project bin or timeline and you are magically transported back to your Sonicfire Pro project for that file. Change the length, adjust the instrument mix and much more before sending the song right back to your Adobe project.
50% off Adobe CS5.5 Production Premium "Switcher" (reg $1,699) with SmartSound Sonicfire Pro 5 Bundle for Adobe (a $299 value) plus FREE Red Giant Magic Bullet QuickLooks (an $89 value) COMPLETE BUNDLE JUST $999.00
 expires 9/30/11
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