Matrox Monarch HDX: Better Streaming Leads to Better Business

Tom LeBlanc, editor of Commercial Integrator gives his 3 question interview to Matrox's very own Francesco Scartozzi. The Matrox Monarch HDX is a simple and versatile video encoding appliance specifically designed for broadcasters and webcasters who need a flexible solution that is powerful enough to take on today’s demanding video delivery workflows. Monarch HDX offers 3G-SDI and HDMI inputs with frame-synchronization to correct any discontinuity at the input, and two independent H.264 encoders that can be assigned to individual tasks. By providing two encoders in a single device, Monarch HDX can tackle any job; from streaming to two different locations, to recording a proxy quality file while simultaneously recording master quality version for post-event editing, to using one encoder for streaming while the other records at higher quality for VOD downloads. Whether used as a live streaming encoder or video recorder, the Monarch HDX can integrate seamlessly into virtually any SD and HD installation. Francesco Scartozzi ,Director of Sales at Matrox answers his 3 questions on the Matrox Monarch HDX in the interview below.

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CI: The way people are using social media broadcasting seems to be evolving, how is the Matrox Monarch HDX helping this growing trend? FS: Social media has evolved. We’re seeing organizations like churches, corporations and educational institutes using social media to communicate to their intended audiences. Now, let’s dive into the broadcast side. Live video broadcast has always been a way to distribute live content [such as] sports, sermons to a very specific audience. Traditionally, these audiences had to tune in and go to a channel and find that live broadcast. Now, with the ability to live stream a webcast or anything to the Internet, we’re at the point where we can combine these two concepts and make it a lot more convenient for audiences to find and experience the events they want. If we can make it so these live events are already at the social media platform that the audiences are using on a daily basis — Facebook, YouTube, Twitter — that’s where social media broadcast is born, and becomes the most effective way to communicate to the audiences. So here at Matrox, we believe that the content creators’ audiences use different platforms to get their information — whether it be personal or not — even if they belong to the same organization. By embracing this diversity and understanding that social media preferences exist, we designed a unit, the Monarch HDX, that is able to cast one live event to different platforms simultaneously. Our customers are saying that, with the Monarch HDX being able to [do that], they’ve seen their viewership skyrocket..... Click here to read the full article on Commercial Integrator

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