This international university reveals how it expanded its reach and dissemination of knowledge by webcasting seminars, conventions, forums, and guest lectures live. Also learn how it simultaneously recorded events as high-quality MP4 files and made them available to overseas students.
Montreal Business School HEC makes Matrox Monarch HD the Nerve Centre of its Lecture Capture Systems
Many activities at the school point to the need for live streaming and recording. Besides daily classes and lectures, HEC regularly hosts and broadcasts events such as discussion forums, conventions, exposés, seminars, eLearning and web conferences. Registration often fills up fast, and eager students are disappointed when they cannot attend. Students are spread across two campuses in separate parts of the city and traveling from one to the other for events was problematic. Travelling faculty teaching in schools overseas provide pre-recorded lectures and translated course materials in advance. Over 4,000 student presentations per year are recorded and made available to the students and lecturers through the school’s ANTILOPE recording application. These recordings are reviewed later on by the lecturers for evaluating the presentations and providing feedback to students.
According to AV support agent Jayson Dénommée, when HEC started searching for a solution that would handle both streaming and recording simultaneously, they realized the only affordable product currently on the market is the Matrox Monarch HD appliance.
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