Panasonic KAIROS Customer Success Story: LiveX

Panasonic Connect recently posted an article from their Q&A series that discusses the future of live video production and broadcast through conversations with innovators leveraging Panasonic’s KAIROS platform.
LiveX, a full-service production business, creates, produces, and broadcasts live events for world-class brands. LiveX employs breakthrough technology to help businesses create fascinating experiences, enhance audience engagement, and expand their brands, from concept creation to technical execution to live onsite and remote production and streaming.In 2021, the firm determined it was time to modernize its broadcast streaming studio with a solution that would improve production quality and give additional flexibility. That's when Panasonic's KAIROS live production platform got LiveX.
How is the broadcast industry scaling to meet customer needs? What challenges does LiveX face?
The broadcast business is continuously changing, as are our clients' requirements. Customers in various industries, including entertainment, journalism, and sports, value timeliness and information quality. The industry want greater remote monitoring and automation in order to simplify operations and deliver information to audiences in real time. We are always looking for solutions that will allow our teams to put creativity first and create exciting live events and multimedia. We required a platform that provided production teams complete control over delivering rich content to various displays and streams in order to properly grow our services. KAIROS was presented to us at that point.
What role does AV technology play in elevating video production quality?
Not only can AV technology improve video production quality, but it also improves the viewing experience. Panasonic Connect is an AV tool suite that combines audio, video, projection, display, live production, and other features to create a full-service production. The combination of these technologies results in the finest quality productions, and we anticipate that more production firms will continue to invest in improving their studio technology.
Creativity is essential for improving video production quality. We're always searching for new methods to distinguish out and provide our consumers with something unique. KAIROS provides us with the creative freedom and flexibility to do this. Unlike traditional switcher technology, we can design to the customer's specifications while having complete control over video and visual manipulation.
How does KAIROS help you achieve your goals? What differentiates KAIROS from other technologies on the market?
KAIROS was used to automate our 4K broadcast streaming studio and to enhance our remote capabilities for future projects. When preparing an event, our staff were restricted to the studio rather than having the ability to wander around outside and locate new, creative shots to film. We can accomplish precisely that using KAIROS. The technology assisted our team in streamlining operations through more remote monitoring and automation, allowing our crews to focus more on creative duties such as shot planning and strategy.
Unlike other systems on the market, KAIROS provides versatility at a low cost. It also supports SMPTE ST 2110, a more efficient and lower-bandwidth media transport protocol than other IP-based media transport protocols. As a result, we can run more streams at once and have smarter workflows.
What percentage of your customers utilize livestreaming? Do you expect this number to grow in the coming years?
We saw an increase in the number of clients that wanted to use livestream capabilities beginning in February 2020. Live events at this time demanded a high degree of innovation, and KAIROS enabled us to provide it to clients when they needed it the most. Livestreaming is now used by more than 90% of our clients.
Livestreaming is not going away. Our customers want to create a great impression during a press event, activation, concert, or new exhibition. Livestreaming is an excellent approach for them to increase their visibility and reach. In the next years, production businesses will want live production solutions like KAIROS as they seek a versatile, completely customized tool for efficient operations.
How does KAIROS support livestreaming?
To meet the growing demand for innovative pictures, we have six AW-UE50 4K/30p PTZ Cameras and the Tecnopoint Robotic Camera System in the LiveX studio. In addition to the AW-UE50 PTZs, KAIROS provides the Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) protocol for 4K/60p video transmission. Even in shaky network situations, this guarantees reliability while sending high-quality video. When our employees are on-location documenting an event, we can use SRT to stream video footage back to the studio and manage where the video feeds are delivered.
The SRT protocol also ensures that the streams are delivered securely. End-to-end 128/256 bit AES encryption protects important material, which is essential in today's digital environment. The low latency and low bandwidth of the protocol contribute to outstanding viewing experiences with no lag.
Favorite capabilities offered by KAIROS?
There are several reasons why KAIROS is our preferred live production platform. KAIROS works with our old gear, allowing us to take use of the platform's built-in functionality, such as the ability to operate all of its cameras via a single IP network, color correct, playback photos, and alter graphics. We can have fewer operators on set since we can oversee everything remotely, allowing our staff to focus on designing more innovative set configurations. Following the integration of KAIROS, we have noticed an increase in quality and efficiency.
We're excited to put the KAIROS cloud-based solution, which was launched in April 2022, to the test. This will allow our staff to travel more freely between studios and enable hybrid workflows. We'll also be able to manage and archive material from many sources, as well as modify, publish, and share content in real time.
Read the full article from Panasonic Connect HERE
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