PVC: A Look Back on 2014

ProVideo Coalition by Jeremiah Karpowicz

As a few ProVideo Coalition writers have already mentioned, 2014 saw a continuation of a number of developments that have dominated the industry for the last few years. The democratization of the industry continues to be a hot topic, and it has and will continue to change the way current and future professionals approach their careers. Although it wasn?t a new technology, the way in which drones have been embraced by different corners of the industry was also something that really came into focus in 2014. The year proved that 4K isn?t going anywhere and also saw updates and announcements from companies like Adobe which many are getting used to now that most people realize the subscription model is here to stay.

2014 also saw changes for PVC itself, as well as the introduction of a number of new contributors to the site. From those contributors we?ve gotten details about everything from an exploration around how After Effects and C4D work together, to hardware reviews, to tips about shooting international documentaries, to the ways in which time code has and hasn?t changed over the years.

2015 will see just as many different and unique perspectives as these authors explore and talk through how these trends and technologies continue to develop. The year will also mark some big changes for PVC, as we?re set to roll out a new version of the site that will help you find new and archived content in a much more effective way. But before we can get to all of that, we want to wrap up the year with a run-down of what each author had to show us in 2014. If you want to make sure you see all of these articles when they go live, please sign up to receive our weekly newsletter.

Let?s take a look at the highlights from PVC in 2014? read more...

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