REVIEW: Boris Continuum Complete 5
Studio Monthly by Marc Franklin
Boris FX plug-ins have been around almost as long as NLEs have. Since the very beginning, the company has put out high-quality, customizable 3D transitions for the most popular NLEs, and the Boris family has grown. I’m more of an editor than an effects person. I’ve been learning Adobe After Effects and use it as I need it for the occasional project. But when I have the choice, I’d rather do the same thing in my favorite editing application, Adobe Premiere Pro CS3. That way, I don’t need to have an extra program hogging RAM or need to use any fancy import or export commands to grab my AE comps. So I’m thrilled about one of the latest products from Boris FX, Boris Continuum Complete 5, or BCC 5, for short. Unlike some of the other Boris products, you don’t need to learn a new interface; the software uses your NLE’s interface. The package contains more than 100 filters and video effects. When installed, they will show up in your video effects bin in Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, After Effects, Avid, Apple Final Cut Pro and Motion, as well as in the Autodesk Sparks API and Combustion. BCC 5 lets you drag and drop the effect or filter on a clip or title, and adjust the parameters in Premiere Pro CS3’s effects control pallet. When you open any of the filter controls, you’ll see "L" and "S" buttons. The "L" button lets you open some handy presets, and "S" saves ones you make yourself. That alone tremendously improves my workflow. read more...

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