Review: Boris FX: Boris Continuum Complete V.9

postPerspective by Brady Betzel

These days there are only a few one-size fits all plug-in packages worth the price of admission, and unfortunately when working on a new project it’s pretty hard to convince the line producer that you need more than one package.

Usually when an editor asks for Boris Continuum Complete (BCC), GenArt’s Sapphire, or even the lower-priced Red Giant Universe, the line producer will laugh a little when they see the price tags (multiplied by the amount of systems it would have to go on). Then, if you are lucky, they may even say, “Ok, choose one.”

So in this review I chose one: I will take a look at a couple of the latest updates to Boris Continuum Complete V.9’s plug-in library as well as give insights into whether BCC is right for your situation. I will be referring to both the Adobe After Effects/Premiere plug-in as well as the Avid Media Composer AVX plug-in.

The BCC9 Adobe After Effects and Premiere plug-in costs $995 while the Avid Media Composer/NewsCutter/Symphony plug-in costs a hefty $1,995 from the Boris FX online store. Without getting too deep into pricing structures, the somewhat comparable GenArt’s Sapphire plug-ins range from $1,699 for Adobe and $2,800 for Avid, while Red Giant’s Universe costs $399. Now I know that these packages vary wildly with their offerings and prices, but these are what I see in broadcast productions a lot of the time, and with Red Giant throwing their hat in the ring recently I figured I should throw them in for comparison. To put it into perspective how plug-in packages are sometimes chosen on projects, I’ve seen shows go with Sapphire solely because of their glows (which I do happen to think are superior, but more on that later) and I’ve seen BCC because the line producer has heard of it before. The decision making process is not always practical. read more...

Check out these items featured in this post and available to BUY NOW at
Boris Continuum Complete 9 AE for Mac $995.00 Boris Continuum Complete 9 AVX for Avid Perpetual License (Windows) $1,995.00 Boris Continuum Complete for Sony Vegas Pro Windows $595.00

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