Review: Roxio DVDit Pro HD
PC World by Jon L. Jacobi
Disc-authoring package offers creative versatility; but it's pricey for the average user, and underpowered for pros.Roxio's DVDit Pro HD disc-authoring program impresses me: It's easy to use, and it offers fine control over the look and feel of menus. At $500 it's not for the average user, but it is currently the only option for editing menus on BD-AV (Blu-ray) discs unless you want to step up to Sonic's $5000 Scenarist, a program aimed at professional editors. DVDit Pro HD provides a number of advanced features unavailable in low-end editors: It lets you add content protection, using the Advanced Access Content System (AACS), to Blu-ray Disc projects (and Content Scrambling System, or CSS, protection to DVDs); create high-def slide shows with PCM audio on Blu-ray Discs; encode video to 1080p, 1080i, and 720p; and create DLT (DVD) and CMF (Blu-ray) masters for duplication houses. Unfortunately, DVDit Pro HD lacks Scenarist's support for interactive Blu-ray disc menus and HD DVD discs, which is especially unfortunate since HD DVD burners should be available soon. These shortcomings are deal-killers for some pros. read more...

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