Rimage 2000i Automated CD and DVD Duplicator and Printer
DV by David O. Weissman
Pros: Networkable system, so users can submit jobs from remote Macs and Windows PCs. Multiple duplicator units can beganged together. Integrated HP printer creates high-quality disc artwork. Are you looking for a rugged and reliable automated DVD duplicating and printing system? Do you need to burn up to a hundred discs at a time, running two burners in parallel? DV reviewed one such system, the Primera BravoPro (Mar. '06 DV). In this issue, I'll look at one of its major competitors, the Rimage2000i. Physical assets Like the Primera, the Rimage2000i (www.rimage.com) comes with two Plextor 16 x DVD burners. Unlike the Primera, its integrated inkjet printer is based on an HP engine, rather than a Lexmark engine. But the most obvious difference is its size and weight. The Rimage2000i barely qualifies as a desktop system, weighing in at 58 pounds, standing nearly 2 feet in height and encased in heavy duty steel.read more...

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