Sony Creative Software by Gary Rebholz
Video cameras are getting smaller
and more portable. It's amazing how much technology has improved and the
high-quality, high-definition video that you can shoot with these
personal devices is very impressive. In this article, I'll walk you
through the seven major steps that you need to follow in order to get
the most out of your video camera. For this discussion, I'll be using a
Sony MHS-TS20/S Bloggie Touch Camera like the one shown in Figure 1. But
these seven steps are essentially the same whether you're using this
Bloggie, one of the other Bloggie models, one of the Flip cameras, or a
GoPro camera. Whichever one of these cameras you're using, you can bring
your footage into Vegas Pro software and Vegas Movie Studio Platinum HD
software and turn your great video into a compelling story.
It's not unusual to be a little unsure
of how to proceed when you start using a new device and so you may find
yourself struggling to figure out exactly how to use the footage you've
shot with your camera in Vegas Pro or Vegas Movie Studio. The process
can really be broken down into seven general steps, so let's take a look
at those steps now.
Step One: Set the proper camera resolution
effectively in the software really starts before you shoot your
footage. This type of camera typically offers you several different
resolution options. As always, it's a tradeoff between quality and file
size (which translates to the amount of footage you can shoot to the
camera's storage device). The resolution setting may also have an effect
on other factors such as sensor aliasing. The main thing to keep in
mind though is that setting your camera to a higher resolution will mean
you can shoot less footage before you run out of storage space. Lower
resolutions (while already providing lower-quality by definition) will
probably also introduce compression artifacts that will further lower
the quality of your video footage.
On my Bloggie, I have three possible video resolution settings:
if I want the highest quality, I'll shoot at 1080-30p. If it's more
important to me to be able to shoot for as long as possible, I'll shoot
at 720-30p. If I need more frames per second—for instance, if I'm
planning to shoot high-action video like sports—I may decide to
sacrifice resolution in favor of more frames per second and shoot at
720-60p so that I can avoid excessive motion blur. In all likelihood,
your camera offers you these same types of resolution choices, so your
first step is to decide what you're shooting and what resolution
settings will most effectively give you the results you're after.
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