SlingStudio New Features with Jeff Sasagawa Videoguys NewsDay 2sDay LIVE Webinar

The Videoguys News Day 2sDay LIVE Webinars of 2019 have been great so far, and today's show might have been the best so far. This week our host Gary Bettan discusses the new features and updates from SlingStudio. The SlingStudio live production and streaming system is already getting notoriety for it's ease-of-use and affordability with expanding features to make simple productions look more professional. Joining us via Skype from SlingStudio is Jeff Sasagawa and continues to show us just how SlingStudio is so effective and how the new changes can help you. With the new features like the "Coach & Referee" review system continuing to be worked into the workflow, SlingStudio will soon have to market to those more professional users while still being easy for any novice to use. Plus, being able to expand the hardware by adding CameraLinks, the SlingStudio Backpack for all of your gear, even adding a second SlingStudio Hub- if you haven't thought about the SlingStudio system for your live streaming production, this is the webinar that will change your mind.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube.

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