Software Review Pinnacle Studio Ultimate 12 Editing Software
Videomaker by Jennifer O'Rourke
Marrying Ease and Fun Together Version 12 of Pinnacle's popular Studio editing software offers 3 levels: Pinnacle Studio ($49), Studio Plus ($99) and Studio Ultimate ($129). Registered Studio users can upgrade to Plus for only $69 and Ultimate for $99. We tested the Ultimate version.
Pinnacle Ultimate 12 has lots of features that give you a big-time editor's look and feel, using templates and presets that add filters and effects without your having to do the math - good for beginners.
The 300-page user guide was useful to a point, but it sometimes revealed only definitions, not how-tos. We did find a how-to guide for version 11 on Pinnacle's website ( and assumed that basic editing features in Version 12 will be the same. It has step-by-step tips complete with illustrations and easy-to-follow instruction. Pinnacle's site also has how-to tips. read more...
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