Avid2FCP by Loren Miller Today,
FCP enjoys roughly 50% market penetration across most domains, from broadcast to Hollywood to educational– and all serious editors should be familiar with it. This is intended as a “Transition Tour†for you, the Avid user, which surveys some interface and operating differences - and similarities - between the two systems to help you get going in FCP as rapidly as possible and without too many surprises. I’ve written this in a fairly balanced manner, because I like and use both systems a lot, for different clients and workflows, and rant or rave over both tools from time to time. Avid editors will know what features and operations I’m talking about and should follow right along in their open FCP workstations to begin reworking body memory.
Please note: this overview is no substitute for professional FCP training! Even pro editors return to the classroom for solid grounding. You can now achieve real certification in FCP as you can in Avid, and they’re both worth every penny. read more...
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