The ProHD Approach
VideoSystems By Steve Mullen
Though not a format unto itself, JVC’s ProHD pushes HDV forward by capturing PCM audio and true 24p. At NAB 2005, JVC introduced its new HDV camcorder, the GY-HD100. This camcorder records to videotape in the HDV format, yet it is described as a ProHD product. ProHD is not a format unto itself, nor is it a sub-format of HDV. According to Dave Walton, JVC's general manager for corporate communications, ProHD is “JVC's approach for delivering affordable HD products. It is also used to describe a family of bandwidth-efficient professional HD models.†ProHD differs from the types of HDV that have been implemented for JVC's HD10 and Sony's Z1/FX1 camcorders in that it includes two important new features. First, PCM audio on the tape  the other implementations of HDV capture only MP2 audio. Second, ProHD allows true 24p capture. read more...

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