VASST Ultimate S 2.0 Vastly Improves Sony Vegas
DMN Product Review: by Charlie White If you're using Sony Vegas editing software, there's a powerful group of tools and scripts that can make your life easier. VASST Ultimate S 2.0 ($149) is an add-on to Vegas 5.0 or 6.0 that can create complex effects with just a simple click of the mouse. It's also packed with practical editing tools, audio and video effects enhancements, a great Film Look applet, and even a utility for editing multicamera productions. After plugging Ultimate S 2.0 into Vegas 6.0, I went to work, and found myself repeatedly saying, Ultimate S, where have you been all my life? VASST is a worthy name for the developer of this package of tools and presets, because there are vast possibilities included inside. There are 90 tools, hundreds of presets, and infinite possibilities with Ultimate S 2.0. After downloading the package and enduring its unfortunately cumbersome registration process (let's blame the software pirates for that, not the creative programmers at VASST ), it wasn’t immediately apparent where I would access this powerful group of plug-ins. After a quick look at the documentation, I found that the best way to use these effects is to place them on the Vegas toolbar. Most of the effects work by selecting the shots you would like to manipulate, and then clicking the Ultimate S icon placed on the toolbar above. The effects can be applied to your entire timeline, or only selected clips. read more...
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