Videoguys Insider July Update

Get a $25 American Express Gift Card FREE with Any Purchase of $750.00

Expires 7/18/11. Limit 1 gift card per customer.

WOW! It's been a crazy summer so far and things are just starting to heat up! Apple, Adobe and Avid are creating so much excitement and news in the NLE world.

A couple of weeks later and FCPX continues to frustrate professional editors, while offering exciting new technology and performance to others. You can follow all of the FCPX articles, reviews and discussions from all over the internet on the Videoguys blog

We've updated our "Videoguys' Options for Final Cut Editors" blog article to include the latest and greatest info from Apple, Avid & Adobe.

Speaking of Avid and Adobe, both companies have very aggressive crossgrade promotions that have been extended through September!! Never before has purchasing new NLE software been so affordable.

ATTENTION Apple Final Cut Editors: "Crossgrade" to Avid Media

Composer 5.5 for $995!

Avid is listening. And one of the things you have clearly said is that you want Media Composer to be more accessible. In response to your feedback, we are extending the cross-grade to Media Composer - through September. Final Cut Pro (excluding FCP X) users can get Media Composer 5.5 at the promotional price of $995.

Make the switch to Adobe CS5.5 Production Premium and save 50%! Purchase now for just $849!!

Adobe announced an upgrade program for video professionals who have purchased any version of Apple Final Cut Pro or Avid Media Composer and want to switch to industry-leading professional video tools by Adobe— CS5.5 Production Premium or Premiere Pro CS5.5. If you own Final Cut Pro or Media Composer you are eligible for a 50% savings on Adobe Creative Suite CS5.5 Production Premium or Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5!

Don't forget that if you take advantage of either on of these great promotions and purchase from on or before 7/18 you will receive a FREE $25 AmEx gift card with your order!

Fast Forward Video sideKick HD Now In Stock at!

The new Fast Forward Video (FFV) sideKick HD is a versatile recording solution designed to ease production workflow and satisfy the demands of both producers and postproduction editors. The camera-mountable sideKick HD captures video directly from HD/SDI or HDMI outputs at bit rates up to 220 Mbit/s, with 4:2:2 sampling and 10-bit resolution in multiple codecs starting with ProRes on removable 2.5" SSD drives. Recording directly to high-quality NLE formats eliminates time-consuming transcoding, which can degrade image quality. The sidekick HD also provides a 4.3" on-board confidence monitor which offers playback options including scrub and jog capabilities.

Don't forget to check out our Videoguys' Summer Sizzlers

We've got great deals on video storage, NLE plug-ins, I/O hardware, tapeless acquisition, microphones and more!

BONUS! Get a $25 American Express Gift Card FREE with Any Purchase of $750.00!!

Expires 7/18/11. Limit 1 gift card per customer.

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