Videoguys' NAB 2013 Wrap-Up: An Industry In Transition

Videoguys' NAB Wrap-Up:
An Industry In Transition

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Wow! I wasn't expecting this year's NAB to be so exciting.  Our industry has gotten mature and so have the products. But, from the start of our dealer meetings on Sunday, I could tell that something big was happening, not a huge tidal wave of change, but several big waves rolling in one after another that would have a dramatic impact on the future of our industry. Each of these waves on their own is interesting. When you look at the convergence that is going on it adds up to very important and powerful changes that will shape the future of content creation. 

1) 4K and Ultra HD are here
4K and Ultra HD are two ways of saying the same thing.  Everyone who makes cameras was showing 4K, and let me tell you, they all produce spectacular footage. So by all means, run out and get a 4K camera, just make sure you leave a bunch of money in your budget for actually editing and using the footage.

When HD first came out we had 720p and 1080i. When asked which would ultimately win out, I said neither, our customers would want to turn it up to 11. Which at that time meant 1080p. Well if 1080p was 11, then 4k is more like 20. Not just because you get that much more resolution, but because the files are that much bigger and working with 4K, either compressed or uncompressed, is going to push current computer technology to the limit. We have a long way to go for cost effective 4K NLE workflows and deliverables.  That said, just because it's expensive today, doesn't mean it won't be in a year or two.  4K is here and we'll be seeing much more of it in the future, so it is important that all content creators keep it on their radar.

2) Live Streaming and Post Production collide
Before the show one of the areas we had targeted to look for new products was Live Video Streaming. Over the past year we've been adding streaming solutions to our product line, and I'm happy to say we've found a bunch more.   The two most exciting new products for us are the Matrox Monarch HD streaming appliance at $999 and the Teradek VidiU on camera wireless streaming device at $699.  Both are super easy to set up and use, support your choice of streaming provider and a wide variety of bit rates and image quality.  We'll talk more about them later in the second part of our NAB Report.

Newtek launched this category  back in 2005 with the TriCaster.  A remarkable product that has become the industry standard for live multi-camera streaming production.  Now, the TriCaster has grown into a whole family of products starting at $5K.

At NAB we saw several interesting products that will also go into this space. Grass Valley was showing the GV Director - a product that they're promoting as the world's first non-linear live production solution.  GV was still working out the pricing, but from what we could gather it will start in the $35K range, with 8 inputs. Broadcast Pix was showing Flint, a $8,995 live production solution that really blew us away.  We also saw both Streamstar and LiveStream with their own dedicated live streaming computers.  Before NAB we introduced the Matrox VS4 bundled with Telestream Wirecast for under $2,500 or fully integrated into a turnkey solution by a Matrox certified system builder starting at around $5K.

Live Video Streaming is affordable and not as complicated as you may think. We are talking to some of the streaming video service providers and we hope to be able to offer streaming services bundled together with our streaming hardware/software products in the very near future.

3) Thunderbolt is hitting full stride
Thunderbolt has not gotten off to the lightning fast start many of us had envisioned. While Apple put it in every new iMac, Mini and Mac Book Pro, the premium for Thunderbolt devices has been pretty high, hurting sales.  However, there have been several important Thunderbolt announcements from the NAB show floor which means the Videoguys' Guide to Thunderbolt is going to be due for an update soon..

  • Intel announced the next rev of the standard, doubling the throughput from 10Gb to 20GB per/sec, for each channel.  That makes it almost as fast as dedicated RAID controllers like the Atto R680. WOW!
  • HP was giving an invite only sneak peak of their workstation roadmap in what they called their "Secret Suite", making it the worst kept secret at NAB.  All I can tell you is that Thunderbolt will be coming to HP Z series portable workstations.
  • 2K & 4K files are huge, and you are going to need Thunderbolt to move them around. Years ago storage was a bottleneck for video editors, and it still can be. One hour of Ultra HD footage can be as large as 1 TB in size so moving them from card to machine, or machine to machine, or machine to network is going to be painful. We need the fastest transfer rates we can get and Thunderbolt is ready to offer that.
  • Thanks to Thunderbolt you can replace your Mac Pro with a fully loaded 27" iMac. As an example, add on an AJ IoXt and a Pegasus R6 storage and you've got an NLE workstation that can run Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer or FCPX and handle HD and 2K footage with ease.

4) Video Editors have more choices that are more affordable and powerful than ever before!

Both Avid and Adobe had big time announcements and product demonstrations at the show.

Avid launched Media Composer 7, at a new $999 price point and they are offering a FREE upgrade to anyone who purchases MC 6.5 between April 7th and product launch, targeted for late June. All I can say is Hallelujah, it's about time!  Avid is the industry standard for video editing. If you are watching a Hollywood movie, or the latest series on cable or broadcast television, you can bet it was cut on an Avid. Every nominated Oscar film was,  and so are the most watched shows on television.  Avid had to move the price down on Media Composer to fight off the competition coming from Adobe and the  always improving FCPX.  We're glad they did. Now everyone can afford Avid, and if they invest the time and training, they can become and Avid editor!

Adobe didn't launch a new version of anything, but they did give us sneak peek at new versions of everything! Adobe provided no time table on when or if CS Next would ship. What they did tell us was that everyone who subscribes to the Creative Cloud will get each new product update  as they become available, no need to wait for the next official version of CS Next. This is big. We watched demos of the new features coming for Premiere Pro, After Effects, Prelude, Audition and Photoshop. If you have Creative Cloud, you can upgrade to them the instant they become available.

Grass Valley Edius is gaining traction, especially in newsrooms. Many call letter stations are changing over to Edius.  Edius is a full featured video editor that is very quick and efficient. It handles almost every HD  format natively, and the Canopus HQ CODEC is a fantastic digital intermediary.  We've been running a $299 crossgrade promotion on Edius and at NAB we worked with the folks at Grass Valley and had this program extended.   Almost any video editing program qualifies for this crossgrade, from consumer titles like Premiere Elements or Pinnacle Studio up to professional NLEs like FCP, Media Composer & Adobe Premiere.

Videoguys' Top Products of NAB 2013
Now I'd like to take the time to highlight several new products introduced at NAB that we feel were the best of the best. We don't sell camcorders, so you won't find any listed here.  Our list is targeted on the products that deserve special mention from "The Video Editing and Production Experts" at

G-Technology G-Drive Pro, G-Dock & G-Drive EV

The folks over at G-Tech have done it again! I can't believe how powerful, affordable and cool their new line is of storage products! 

The G-Drive Pro is a 4TB Thunderbolt storage solution that delivers 480+ Megs/sec data transfers. This is simply amazing! No one at the show could figure out how they can deliver the same throughput as SSD drives at a fraction of the cost - just $849.  Think about that, at around $400 for a 512GB SSD, you would need 8 drives for 4TB and that would run you well over $3,000!! G-Drive Pro 4TB is expected in May and we are now taking backorders.

As Ian Andes, VP of sales for G-Tech explained on the NAB show floor "Fifteen  minutes of 2K footage is just under 200GB of space, which would take over a half hour to transfer via FireWire800.  With G-Drive Pro you can get that down to under 6 minutes.  Now let's talk 4K.  Fifteen minutes 4K footage takes almost 800GB of data, which would take over an hour and 50 minutes to transfer via FireWire800.  With G-Drive Pro you can get that down to 36 minutes."

G-Tech was also showing what they call the next evolution of storage. The G-DOCK ev - a Thunderbolt Expandable RAID storage solution with two removable hard drives. G-DOCK ev is a removable cartridge based Thunderbolt solution. G-DOCK connects to your computer via Thunderbolt and accepts two G-DRIVE ev cartridges that can be configured as JBOD, RAID-1 mirror or RAID-0 for maximum throughput. Each ev cartridge has both a SATA port for connecting to the G-DOCK and a USB3 port for use as a stand alone drive.  G-Drive ev is a 2 1/2" media cartridge that gives you 136 Megs/sec on its own via USB3, or you can mount it into the G-DOCK, stripe the drives together as RAID-0 for over 250 Megs/sec. The G-Drive evPLUS is a slightly taller cartridge that gives you 250 Megs/sec, or a blistering 500 Megs/sec when striped RAID-0 in the G-DOCK! HOLY SMOKES, that's fast! 

The G-DOCK ev, which includes two 1TB G-DRIVE ev modules, will be available in May for an MSRP of $749.95. Designed as a flexible and scalable ecosystem, additional 500GB or 1TB G-DRIVE ev modules can be purchased separately for $149.95 and $199.95 MSRP, respectively. For increased performance the 1TB G-DRIVE ev PLUS modules can also be purchased separately for use with the G-DOCK ev with Thunderbolt. The G-DRIVE ev PLUS modules will be available this summer for $349.95 MSRP.

Check out Post magazine's video interview with G-Technology at NAB 2013

G-Technology G-DRIVE Pro with Thunderbolt
Pre-order now! Starting at $699.95

G-Technology G-DOCK ev with Thunderbolt (2TB)
Pre-order now!

Matrox Monarch HD Streaming Appliance
We get asked all the time by our customers about video streaming. It seems like everyone wants to do it, but no one is exactly sure what they need or how much it will cost, or how technical it is to get set up. For many of our customers Matrox has come to the rescue with an affordable, easy to use streaming appliance called the Monarch HD. This little wonder will allow you to take any HDMI source and stream it over the web.  You don't need a computer, you don't need an IT department. All you need is the Monarch!

The Matrox Monarch HD is a $999 stand alone streaming appliance. All you need is an internet connection.  You set it up via a webpage interface, just as you would to configure your home router. At their dealer meeting demo, they were using an iPad to set up and control the Monarch HD. Now that is cool!  The Monarch supports a wide range of streaming service providers, from free services like Ustream and Justin.TV up to high powered pay services like Wowza. 

The Monarch is more than just a streaming device, it also allows you to simultaneously capture the footage in stunning  Blu-ray quality MPEG-4 files. You can record them directly onto SD cards via the integrated writer or attach USB drives via the two available USB ports.

As Matrox VP of sales Frank Scartozzi said on the NAB show floor "Anything worth streaming is worth recording. With Monarch you can record your footage at the very highest quality MPEG-4 for either archiving, burning to disc or for editing later using your favorite NLE."

Check out this video from NAB 2013 as Streaming Media presents and award to Matrox for the new Monarch HD

Matrox Monarch HD Live Streaming Appliance

Matrox Monarch HD Live Streaming Appliance
Pre-order now!

Avid Media Composer 7
Each year at NAB we look for Avid to release a new version of Media Composer, and this year's release did not disappoint.  Not only did Avid announce version 7, due mid - June, they went one better, and then actually they went two better.  First Avid announced that anyone purchasing Media Composer (full version or upgrade) gets a free upgrade to MC7 when it is released in late June.  But wait, that's not all!  They also dropped the price for Media Composer to under $1,000! From now on anyone can purchase Media Composer for just $999!!

Why did Avid drop the price - competition and the financial reality of today's economy.  Over the past two years Avid has run several crossgrade promotions at $999 and when they did, sales went through the roof.  Why limit this to just promotions? Let's make it the everyday price, so that everyone, everywhere can edit with Avid. We love it! To match the new pricing Avid also lowered the cost of upgrades.

Check out this Videoguys' Blog post with a collection of videos on Avid Media Composer7

What's new in Media Composer 7? Here's the quick list from Avid's website. We'll have more in depth information  as we get closer to release.

  • Accelerate HD delivery from high-res sources - With the new FrameFlex tool and LUT support, you can acquire 2K, 4K, and 5K media and deliver the HD programming required today, eliminating time-consuming transcodes and resizing.
  • Maximize creativity time with acceleration through automation - With new Dynamic Media Folders, copying, consolidating, and transcoding tasks can be automated in the background, so you can keep editing without the wait. What’s more, Avid media management now looks after all of your AMA-linked files too.
  • Make your picture sound as good as it looks - Take control of the overall program volume and insert plug-ins to adjust the tone with the new Master Audio Fader. And with Clip Gain, you can adjust gain on a specific clip, independent of track-based automation.
  • Symphony Option $1,499 - Symphony will no longer be sold as stand alone product, but as an upgrade option to Media Composer.  Media Composer owners can add the Symphony option for $1,499 and take advantage of the advanced color correction, Universal Mastering and Boris Continuum Complete.  As I mentioned earlier, Videoguys still has Symphony upgrades available for $999
  • Extend real-time production everywhere - Media Composer 7 Interplay Edition ($1,499) provides connectivity with Avid Interplay and Interplay Sphere, so you can edit, sync, and share projects and media with anyone in the world over the Internet.

For more information on Avid Media Composer 7, Symphony and all available ulgrades, click here to read the Videoguys' Guide to MC7

ProTools 11
Avid also released ProTools 11, an all new 64 bit update to the world's leading audio software. with the new 64-bit architecture, you gain the performance you need to handle the most sophisticated sessions—with more memory headroom to go even bigger.  New faster-than-real-time bounce capabilities was a big hit, as were the new built in meters. For us, as Videoguys, the new Avid Video Engine that enables you to play MXF HD, Avid DNxHD, and other HD video formats directly in the Pro Tools timeline, without transcoding, was huge. This means that any hardware that supports Media Composer can now be used for video playout with ProTools!

Avid Media Composer 6.5 with FREE Upgrade to
Media Composer 7

now $999.00

plus Videoguys Bonus!
FREE Class On Demand Black
Card - $99 value

Purchase Media Composer 6.5 full version or any upgrade from between April 7th - June 26th 2013, and redeem your install code during that same time period, then you are eligible for an upgrade to Media Composer 7 direct from Avid. Simply access your Avid Account between June 27th and July 1st to download your Media Composer 7 installer & activation codes

Videoguys Avid MC7 Upgrade Pricing
New MC65  $         999
Upgrade from
Xpress DV or Pro
MC65UPXPRESS  $         488
MC 3.0 - 5.5 MC65UPPRE6  $         399
MC 6.0 MC65UP6  $         299
MC 6.5 MC7UP65  $         299
Click here for all Upgrades and the Videoguys FAQ Guide

Adobe CS Next
So how do you steal the NAB show, without releasing anything new? With an impressive viral online social media sneak peak at new features for all your products. That's what Adobe did the week before NAB, and if the teasers in the sneak peak campaign looked good, they were nothing compared to the actual demonstrations going on at the Adobe booth during NAB. Adobe was showing new versions of Premiere Pro, After Effects, Prelude, Speedgrade, Audition, and their new cloud based video editing application Adobe Anywhere. 

Before we go into some of the new features, I think it's important to clarify just what CS Next is and isn't. As of today there is no such thing as CS7. That's not to say that someday there won't be a CS7 release, but Adobe has taken to a new path for product updates.  Those Adobe users who subscribe to the Creative Cloud will get access to each new version and update as they become available from Adobe.  It is then your choice if you want to install them or not.  You won't have to wait for any formal CS7 release and you won't have to pay for any upgrades.  So while it may take until the end of the year or beyond for Adobe to actually release new CS7 suites,  Creative Cloud subscribers get instant access to the new updates as they roll out, because all updates, upgrades and new versions are included as part of your subscription. As an example, while Adobe may release the new Premiere Pro update this spring,  they may not offer any upgrade for sale to existing CS6 owners until who knows when.

Videoguys offers Adobe Creative Cloud for Teams for $599. Groups of five or more can save an additional 5%. If you are looking for even more seats, give us a call and we can review your needs and provide even bigger discounts. The big difference between Creative Cloud for teams and the individual Cloud is that Team gives you more storage per seat 100GB vs. 20GB, and you can manage how much space each user gets, as well as who your users are and what they have access to. Down the road, I can't imagine Adobe Anywhere being offered as part of the Individual Cloud since it is an enterprise based collaborative product.

What's new in CS Next?

Adobe Premiere Pro overview
Professional video editing is faster and more efficient than ever thanks to dozens of brand-new features, including a redesigned timeline, improved media management, and streamlined color grading with the Lumetri™ Deep Color Engine.

After Effects overview
A Live 3D Pipeline brings CINEMA 4D scenes in as layers — without intermediate rendering. Separate complicated elements from backgrounds using the Refine Edge tool. Stabilize specific objects within a scene with Warp Stabilizer VFX.

SpeedGrade overview
Deliver balanced color and distinctive, vibrant looks. Shot Matcher lets you work faster by automatically correcting for differences in footage to achieve a consistent feel between clips, within scenes, and across your entire project.

Adobe Prelude overview
Speed up your video ingest and logging tasks with flexible new ways to enter metadata in Prelude. Preview clips and create rough cuts that open directly in Adobe Premiere Pro to keep your production vision intact and accelerate the editing process.

Adobe Audition overview
Edit audio with extraordinary precision. Easily remove specific audio elements in just a few clicks using the new Sound Remover. With Preview Editor, you can visually compare waveform tweaks, view multiple file sections simultaneously, and more.

Check out Adobe's videos on all of their NAB Sneak Peeks

Adobe Creative Cloud
for Teams
1-Year Subscription

You get the entire collection of CS6 tools and exclusive updates, along with lots of team-specific features that make working together — and managing licenses — easier than ever. All for one low price.


reg $829 annually

Click here for the Videoguys FAQ
Guide to learn more about
Adobe Creative Cloud

In addition to our Top NAB 2013 picks, we saw a bunch of new products and added some new  vendors that we look forward to offering in the near future. Here's a run down for you, in no particular order:

Teradek VidiU Live Streaming Broadcaster without a PCTeradek
In the streaming section of this article I mentioned the Teradk VidiU. The Teradek VidiU gives you the freedom to broadcast live high definition video directly to the Web without a PC. Whether you’re streaming out of a video switcher or wirelessly from your camera, VidiU allows you to go live when you want, where you want.  VidiU goes for $699 and supports your choice of streaming host.

Another cool product from Teradek is the Bolt. The Teradek Bolt is a latency-free wireless transmission system that sends 4:2:2, 1080p60 video at up to 300ft. Bolt comes in two varieties; the unicast Bolt and the multicast Bolt Pro. We see this as a great solution for Live Streaming when you need to have a camera completely untethered.  Bolt is available for HDMI starting at $1,490 or SDI starting at $1,990.

AJA Ki Pro Quad 4K, Quad HD, 2K, HD Solid State RecorderAJA
Perhaps one of the most honest and welcome product announcements came from AJA President Nick Rashby during the AJA dealer meeting.  “At this year’s NAB, AJA was committed to only showing products that are shipping and available now, and that prevented us from showcasing some other groundbreaking technologies that are waiting in the wings in engineering.”  Nick did assure us that they have some amazing new products in the pipeline and that they will be rolling them out over the course of the year - when they are ready to ship.

The good news was that the much anticipated and long awaited KiPro Quad is finally shipping! KiPro Quad is a new solid-state portable video recorder enabling true 4K camera-to-editorial workflows. Ki Pro Quad enables a breakthrough 4K/Quad HD/2K/HD workflow with the efficiencies of Apple ProRes and the flexibility of RAW data in a compact solid state recording and playback package that easily mounts directly onto a variety of cameras supporting workflow needs today and into the future.

AJA ROI Region of Interest Mini ConverterAJA did introduce a very cool new product called ROI, Region of Interest Mini-Converter. It's a DVI & HDMI to SDI scan converter with region of interest for $999. With incredible image scaling, extensive aspect ratio and frame rate conversion, and audio functionality ROI fulfills the growing need to properly incorporate computer signals into the video world without sacrificing budget or space.

AJA also announced support for Avid Pro Tools 11 with the entire AJA line of KONA and Io products.  AJA supports all of the SD & HD frame rates and resolutions that ProTools 11 currently utilizes through the Avid Video Engine.  Avid customers can now utilize the same range of popular AJA I/O products supported by Media Composer, via the new Avid Video Engine in Pro Tools 11.

At NAB Atomos introduced the Samurai Blade field recorder with 325DPI and 1 Million Pixel (1280x720) 5" display.  The SuperAtom IPS Panel delivers amazing resolution, Super accurate colors, Super deep blacks with an image representation that oozes atmosphere – when you see this screen you will not believe your eyes. The screen is gorgeous and it comes with and  can record in Apple ProRes and Avid DNxHD direct to edit codecs. For $1,295 it is a great choice for field recorder and as a monitor.

Atomos HDMI to HD-SDI (H2S) Connect ConverterAt NAB Atomos also announced that they were lowering the price on their connect line of  mini converters.  Connect Converters are the ultimate conversion and test tools for anyone who needs to convert content from HDMI to HD-SDI (Connect H2S) or from HD-SDI to HDMI (Connect S2H).  At $295 they are the perfect addition / must have solution to your live streaming productions.  They also announced AC powered versions at the same low price.

Matrox Mojito 4K Video Monitoring CardMatrox
We talked about the Matrox Monarch HD as one of our NAB 2013 best, but that wasn't the only news from Matrox.  Matrox Mojito 4K offers post-production professionals a fluid editing experience with uninterrupted playback, which lets them see every pixel of every 4K frame in real time for crafting breathtaking content. Matrox Mojito 4K lets you finish your productions while monitoring up to 4Kp60 for the next version of Adobe’s Professional Video Tools.  Matrox Mojito 4K can monitor any finishing resolution including SD, HD, 2K, QFHD (Quad Full-HD), and 4K.  With 10-bit color & 16 audio channels it's a steal at $1,999!

Matrox was also touting the VS4 four input streaming card for use with Telestream Wirecast.  The VS4 Wirecast bundle will allow you to produce multi-camera live streaming events, with professional graphics transitions, titling and more.  With the VS4 hardware you can not only stream live, you can record each video stream independently during the event, then bring them into your favorite NLE to edit them later.  The VS4 now supports direct capture to DV, DVCPro, DVCPRO50 and DVCPRO HD as MOV files which you can then easily edit with Adobe, Apple or Avid editing solutions.  Matrox would not commit to anything, but when I asked them about future support for DNxHD or ProRes, I did detect a slight grin on the product manager's face.

EditShare Lightworks Non-Linear Editing Software with keyboard Bundle SpecialEditshare
We had a really great meeting with the new EditShare sales team and we are happy to announce that we are going to be selling their products! Lightworks is the fastest, most accessible and focused NLE in the industry, because it is based on the simple idea that the editor, not the computer industry, knows what’s best. The latest release of Lightworks is based on the cumulative knowledge from twenty years of top-flight editing. Lightworks is currently Windows only. At the show I saw it running in beta on both Mac and Linux.  Videoguys is going to be selling Lightworks as a bundle with a color-coded customized keyboard for $199!

Editshare also sells a wide range of shared storage solutions and media management tools. We're working with them to see if they have some solutions that would be a great fit for our customers in small workgroups, who need to collaborate and share files, but need it to work on a budget. When we get there, you know we'll be posting about it everywhere.

Convergent Design Odyssey 7 Monitor/RecorderConvergent Design
Convergent Design was showing two exciting new monitor/recorder products: Odyssey7 and Odyssey7Q. The Odyssey family is a professional 7.7” OLED monitor with high-end monitor features, including Waveform, Zebras, Histogram, Vectorscope, Focus Assist, False Color, Timecode Display and Audio Level Meters, and 1:1 Pixel mode.
Both the Odyssey7 and Odyssey7Q instantly become compressed recorders just by the insertion of a Convergent Design 240 GB, 480 GB or 960 GB SSD! You can capture directly to Avid DNxHD and very soon they will add ProRes.  The Odyssey series combines Convergent Design’s knowledge and experience of both broadcast and cinematography recorders, while adding the capabilities of a high-end professional monitor for an amazing $1295 USD (Odyssey7 – monitor only).

Small Tree GraniteSTOR TitaniumZ-5 10TB Affordable Ethernet Shared StorageSmall Tree
I first met the guys over at Small Tree two NABs ago, after Walter Biscardi told me I had to visit their booth and see what they were up to. At the time, I really liked what I saw, but I was really hoping for a low cost, simple to set up storage for small work groups of say 3-5 users. This year I stopped by and saw their GraniteSTOR TitaniumZ-5 solution - WOW!I I think they may have hit it out of the park!

TitaniumZ-5 is a full featured, high-performance video editing shared storage appliance with advanced file sharing capabilities. TitaniumZ-5 is designed to enable video editors with limited resources to focus on the task of editing videos and meeting their schedule requirements. It's an all-in-one Ethernet-based shared storage solution with the networking and storage (5 drives) integrated within TitaniumZ-5’s portable & rugged case. The 10TB unit starts at around $7,500 with the 15TB at $8,500 and the 20TB at under $10K.

axle Video
So your team has terbaytes and terabytes of digital assets, video footage from various sources, photos and graphics. How do you keep track of all of it and how do you easily share them so that your team can collaborate on projects? axle Video has the answer and it is super easy to use and affordable.

axle Video  is aiming to bring radical simplicity to media management for small and mid-sized workgroups. axle's software is designed to be installed and configured in less than an hour, and works with nearly all existing file systems and storage vendors.  axle 2012 rev. 8 software is priced from $1,295 for 5 users.

axle Gear is an integrated rackmount system that integrates browser - based media management with powerful transcode capabilities. The system incorporates two of Apple’s Mac mini 2.6GHz quad - core Intel i7 CPUs running in a tightly - coupled configuration to provide high - throughput processing of a wide range of media files. Up to 5 named users can log in to the system from any modern web browser; the system supports iPads, Windows PCs, and Macs as browser clients. axle Gear software/hardware appliance is priced from $6,995.

Its a wrap!

That wraps up our NAB2013 report. We have been posting a ton of articles and video on our blog from all over the web. Use keywords to find the specific NAB news that interests you.

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