Videoguys User Spotlight: Review for RT.X2 by Chris & Laura Randall - Edit 1 Media
Chris and Laura Randall have become known as one of the best high-end Event Videographers in the Seattle area. They currently shoot with Sony PD-170’s and rent Sony Z1U’s for HDV productions. They edit with the Adobe Production Studio Premium and Matrox RTx2 and RTx100 systems. The Matrox RT.X2 is a long awaited answer to HDV editing. For wedding and event videographers looking for an HDV editing solution, their timing couldn't have been more perfect. With the flood of inexpensive HDV cameras on the market, current Matrox RT.x100 users have been looking for an HDV editing solution but haven't been willing to step up to the Matrox AXIO line due to its cost. Matrox has since released the Matrox AXIO LE, a lighter version of the AXIO at a lower cost than the original AXIO. The great thing about the RT.X2 is that Matrox used a lot of the core technologies that were created for the higher end AXIO line and folded them into the RTX2 product. First I would like to describe what the Matrox RT.X2 card does for video editing. For those who are familiar with editing on Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 or earlier versions, you are all too familiar with the Realtime Preview. The Realtime Preview allows you to see your video with effects as it would play back in realtime. Unfortunately, you often have to render out these effects before you can export your video to DVD or other formats. And sometimes the real time playback is at a reduced frame rate. With the RT.X2 card, you eliminate the need to render your video before exporting your project. Video playback is smooth with multiple effects applied and scrubbing of the timeline is lightning fast. read more...
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