Virtual Reality for Immersive Video Shopping

This thought-provoking article will get you imagining how VR technology will transform how we shop and make consumer decisions from the immersive world of virtual reality video.

Virtual Reality: Coming Soon To A Clothing Store Near You

Forbes / Business by Shaun Ryan Mobile and e-commerce technologies have already transformed the retail industry from its store-centric approach to the ability to connect with shoppers anytime, anywhere. As we look ahead to the technologies that will bring the next wave of possibilities for retail, autonomous vehicles and 3D printing are sure to have a huge impact. But the technology I think will most start to come into its own in 2016 is virtual reality. . .

Virtual Gets Real for Retail

A model wears a Samsung GearVR device that Tommy Hilfiger has used to give shoppers an immersive virtual experience of its fall 2015 runway show. (Courtesy of Tommy Hilfiger) 2016 will be the year that retailers begin to experiment with virtual reality as the next major platform for e-commerce. However, the scale needed to produce VR-optimized e-commerce sites is going to take a lot of work and it won’t happen in a year. Many e-commerce businesses are just now creating mobile-optimized versions of their websites, even though smartphones were introduced nine years ago. But we will see innovators move in this direction and consumers will have opportunities to tinker with new experiences. Luxury boutique retailer The Line is already experimenting with the Samsung Gear VR headset. Shoppers can currently tour the brand’s Manhattan store, The Apartment, using the 3D video technology – even if they are halfway around the world.. . .[continue reading] A model wears a Samsung GearVR device that Tommy Hilfiger has used to give shoppers an immersive virtual experience of its fall 2015 runway show. (Courtesy of Tommy Hilfiger)

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