Wes Plate joining Adobe a very big move

Biscardi Creative Blog by Walter Biscardi

By now you’ve heard that Wes Plate has joined the Adobe Product Marketing Team. For those who might not know exactly who this guy is, he’s been “the guy” in the industry for years who has made various production tools talk to each other. And not just a simple, “move parts of my projects into something else,” but help the apps talk to each other in a way that brought about very meaningful creative collaborations between artists no matter how what they used.

For instance, when I doing all the HD Post for the Food Network’s “Good Eats,” the shows were first cut in Alton Brown’s facility on his Avid system and then we used the Automatic Duck converter to bring the edits into my Final Cut Pro system. This was an almost seamless transfer between the two competing NLEs that allowed Alton’s editor to continue using her NLE of choice and for me to use my NLE of choice, but to work together. The only things I really had to re-create were the graphics and the transitions and of course I re-did the entire color grading for HD.

So now Adobe snags Wes to join their team right after they snagged IRIDAS and their SpeedGrade color grading tool. I personally thing grabbing Wes is an even bigger grab for the company.

If you have used the Adobe CS 5 suite (or 5.5) you know how incredible the dynamic link option is between Premiere Pro and After Effects. Someone like Wes can bring dynamic link to a whole new level. Imagine that dynamic link type of performance between all of the apps essentially make Premiere Pro the render engine for the entire suite. So you would create your base edit in Premiere Pro and then dynamic link your material out to all the other elements of the suite but do your final renders back in Premiere Pro. read more....

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