What Does High Definition Really Mean?
PC World by Richard Baguley A recent experience with the Sony HDR-HC3 camcorder has led our columnist to a surprising discovery: He was wrong.
I've been spending some quality time with the high-definition Sony HDR-HC3 over the past couple of weeks, and I think I might have to do something that we professional writers don't like to do: admit that I may have been wrong. A few months ago I expressed my reservations about HD camcorders: I was concerned that they were too expensive, that it was too difficult to edit the video they produce, and that there were limited options for playing back the video. But Sony's HDR-HC3, which records high-definition video to MiniDV videotapes using a new format called HDV, has proven me wrong on a couple of counts. The camcorder isn't cheap--with the $1300 it costs, you could buy four Canon MiniDV camcorders and still have money left over for accessories--but the ability to down-convert the video it captures makes it easy to edit and output to DVD while still retaining the high-definition original. And the slow-motion feature is fun as well: I've posted a few example videos on my blog. read more...

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