Meet the VideoGuys is family owned and operated and has proudly served videographers and producers like you for the past 30 years.
Phil and Amy
Phil and Amy started "The Electronic Mailbox" as a husband and wife team out of their home garage just minutes away from where the Videoguys corporate offices live today.
Phil's background in consumer electronics is enormous. A ham radio operator since his teens, you could find him in his hamshack for hours at a clip building, and modifying his gear. He also was a semi-professional audio engineer, rigging and mic-ing the local theatre groups and organizations around town. If you have an audio question, Phil is your guy!!
Phil has been shooting video for almost 30 years, going from the original 2 piece systems that were bulky and awkward, and progressing through all the subsequent formats right up to the latest HD gear. He has a tremendous amount of hands on experience which he is more than happy to share.
Phil and Amy's three grown sons, Gary, Richard, and Dan, have taken over the brunt of the company's operations, but they remain active in many phases of the business.
You may already know Gary as "The Videoguy." He’s the President of and our lead technician. He’s the guy who writes the guide articles on our website and on our blog.
Gary runs our social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, You can still find him on Creative Cow, DV Info Net, Avid Community, and many other industry forums and email lists. He tries to be informative and honest, while promoting the company and products.
Gary has been interested in consumer electronics and video his entire life. He took television production classes in high school. While attending SUNY Albany he worked part time in a video store renting movies and selling Betamax's. His first real job after college was with Philips CE in Knoxville TN, where he worked as a financial analyst for Magnavox TV Product planning.
He refers to the as "his first child." He started it back when his wife, Lisa, was pregnant with his first child Max in 1995. So we've been doing this for almost 20 years! That makes us one of the oldest sites around. With the launch of this new website, he likes to say how proud he is to have watched both his son Max and the website grow-up.
Gary has 3 kids Max, Gabby & Jillian. Max attending Ohio State University. Gabby is starting to explore colleges and wants to be a doctor or scientist. Jillian is in middle school and Gary is still coaching her travel soccer team.
In 2006 Gary became very frustrated with the way Math was being taught in his local school district. So he organized a bunch of parents in the community, took on the Board of Ed and got the “Fuzzy Math” program removed. In the process he ended up as a Trustee on the Plainview-Old Bethpage Board of Education. He was President of the BOE for two school years and he is about to embark on his third 3-year term.
How he finds the time to write the articles on our website, manage our DIY projects and work with all our vendors to create our exclusive bundles and promotions is a mystery to everyone!
Rich is a father of 3 boys and is active in all of their sports activities. He is a Graduate of SUNY Oswego (class of '88) and a former camper/counsellor at Camp Watitoh in Becket Mass (1976-1978, 1982-1987).
Richard is also the national sales manager for our wholesale division Broadfield Distributing Inc. So if you are a store looking to resell our products, he is the guy to call at (516) 676-2378 ext 102.
Please note that Rich observes his birthday every year by attending Opening Day at Shea Stadium to cheer for the NY Mets.
Rich won an award in high school for his TV Production of Rayman, a spoof on the old Batman TV series. It was hilarious and continues to be shown as part of the Glen Cove High School's TV production class. He is a major Batman fan. If you know of any cool Batman sites (the old TV show, not the movies) email him. He is also always looking for new JPEGs to use as screen savers of the caped crusader.
Hey, I am the youngest brother. I joined the Videoguys in 2001 and the circle was complete. In 2003 I was married to my beautiful wife Nicole and we are very proud of our son, Charlie.
More than just simply being an Honourary Canadian Citizen, I am also the Commissioner for our office Fantasy baseball league. My proudest moment in life however, by far, was being named the #1 Out of State fan of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers by the Tampa Tribune for the quiz I made my wife take when she was my girlfriend. At stake was me asking her father for permission to marry his daughter. The quiz consisted of 110 questions all about The Bucs, their history, and general football knowledge. It was multiple choice, fill in the blank, even an oral recitation of how I became a fan. And the best's all on video.
If you’ve made it this far to read about me you’re either a friend or family member (HI MOM!) or you’ve just read about all of the other videoguys, so I was the next logical choice. The truth is, however, I am not a videoguy. In fact, when I started working for (then known as The Electronic Mailbox), I didn’t know the difference between S-VHS and 8mm! That should stand as a testament to anyone who thinks the technology has left him in the dust. If I can learn about video editing and production, so can you…
If I’m not a videoguy, why am I here? I got here while I was earning my B.S. in Advertising at NY Institute of Technology and I had the opportunity to intern for The Videoguys. I graduated from the school, ended my internship, and went to work in Manhattan for a public relations/advertising agency. Then, on one fateful day, I received a call from Gary… and that’s when the fun began.
So if you are a representative from a magazine that reaches our customers (or at least think you do), or know of any advertising opportunities that will help grow, then I am the guy you need. Please e-mail me your media kit or sponsorship opporunity. Please do not call to solicit.
And now… on a personal note (which is what my friends and family are really waiting for)… I have a beautiful wife named Liz and we're the proud parents of two boys, Tyler and Darren and a beautiful daughter, Jaime. I am a 5th Degree Black Belt in American Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense with more than 30 years of martial arts training. In that time I have had the opportunity to meet many great people in the arts, and learn from some of the most prestigious practitioners. I have also had the opportunity to teach at The Pentagon, the US Treasury Dept, local law enforcement agencies and more!