Live Production Packs for HOW, Sports & Broadcasters Now Available from Grass Valley
Gary was joined by Glen Seaman (Workflow Sales Specialist | Broadfield) showing many of the new high end live production packs from Grass Valley!
For those who don't know who Grass Valley is, if you've ever watched the Super Bowl, you do. Grass Valley provides super high end level professional quality live streaming products such as professional camera, mixers, and now PTZ Cameras. What Grass Valley had done is made all new entry level (for Grass Valley) production packs that perfectly fit into Houses of Worship, Local & D2/D3 Sports , and more.
PTZ Camera
The product that caught our eye the most was the Grass Valley PTZ Camera!
Glen gave a wonderful demo showcasing the PTZ Camera streaming over RTMP while also being controlled via NDI.
He's also tested this PTZ Camera with both the BirdDog PTZ Controller, and the PTZOptics SuperJoy making this camera perfect for most live video production implications that need a great PTZ camera to best tell their story. THIS CAMERA ISN'T LIMITED TO GRASS VALLEY!
Kula Production Switcher
Grass Valley is offering a fantastic video production switcher called the Kula which is their most powerful compact video switcher available.
GV Pace
The GV Pace stands for Production Automation Control Environment. What does that mean? Essentially, GV Pace is a production automation control environment that simplifies unscripted productions to allow a single operator to execute and manage a high-quality, multilayered professional show — all from a tablet.
Glen provides a wonderful demo within the webinar about how this works and what it looks like!
Production Packs for Houses of Worship
Grass Valley has made an assortment of live production packs great for Houses of Worship Implications.
These production packs can be found here:
D2, D3 and Local Schools Production Packs
These production packs can also be great for live sports productions. Their most comprehensive pack being the Kula 2 M/E Replay Pack.
They also have the following packs available:
Check out this video to learn more!
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