Videoguys' NAB Show Report 2009
This year's NAB was very different form those of the last 5 to 10 years. Make no mistake about it, the recession is hitting our industry and it is hitting Las Vegas - Hard! How hard you ask? By my estimates attendance at the show was off 50% from last year. What does that mean? No problem finding a room, word was out that some of the biggest and best hotels in Vegas were running specials for under a hundred bucks a night. No problems getting a taxi, cab lines were non existent. No problem jumping off the show floor to make a pit stop, little or no lines at the rest rooms or food areas. Most importantly though, there was no problem getting time at the booth with the people you needed to meet with! This will probably go down as one of our most successful NAB shows ever! We've picked up several new lines, the most significant one I can tell you about is AJA, but we will have more exciting news to share with you as the spring heads into summer. We also saw the launch of a new product line-up form Matrox, giving them affordable HD I/O devices at every price/ user level. Sony announced a new version of Vegas Pro (version 9), but the even bigger news was Vegas getting more attention and support from the Sony mother ship as the Sony Creative Software group becomes part of a bigger Sony business unit. While Avid & Adobe didn't have major product announcements, they did provide a peak at their very exciting road maps for the future. One of the most anticipated announcements for NAB 2009 did not happen. Although Apple was not at the show, the Final Cut Pro Users Group Super Meet was a huge success. Many of the attendees were hoping for big news from Apple about the next version of Final Cut Studio, but alas, nothing yet. The rumor going around the show was Snow Leopard OS first, then the new Final Cut Studio a few months later. Visit for more information or call one of our knowledgable sales reps at 800-323-2325 Click here to read the full intro article or Jump to one of these pages... |
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