A Simple Explanation of Bitrates for Video Editors
This is a must read article for video editors. Ryan does a great job of expalining bitrates and their impact on video quality. He goes into both In-Camera bitrates and export bitrates for YouTube, Vimeo, DVD, Blu-Ray & Digital delivery. He also does a nice job going into Contstant vs Variable Bitrates (CBR vs VBR).
Vidmuze by Ryan Atkins Bitrate can be a tricky thing to understand. When you start throwing numbers into the mix, technical specs can get kind of overwhelming. So what’s a simple explanation of bitrate? A bitrate is essentially a numerical value of the amount of data contained in each second of audio or video files. The higher the bitrate, the more detailed the file is. This is especially obvious with images that involve lots of small detail (a forest full of tree leaves), bright colors (midday outdoor scenes), and fast movements (car chases or quick camera moves). read more...
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